Securing the Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions
The Consortium for Securing the Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions (SAPHIRe), aims to structure the application of personalised health at regional level which will drive the transition towards sustainable healthcare and personalised health
About Us
To stimulate developments in personalised health and support the uptake in all European regions, including sparsely populated and remote regions, the EU recently awarded a coordination and support action on Securing the Adoption of Personalised Health in Regions - SAPHIRe.
The project will support the agenda of the International Consortium of Personalised Medicine (ICPerMed), which was formally established in November 2016 at the initiative of the European Commission.
SAPHIRe is coordinated by the Department Economy, Science and Innovation (EWI) of the Flemish Government www.ewi-vlaanderen.be. Other consortium members include the Public Health Agency (PHA) from Northern Ireland research.hscni.net/, Hungary-based EIT Health InnoStars www.eithealth.eu/home and the EuroBioForum Foundation (The Netherlands).
SAPHIRe will run for the next three years and plans to engage with regional stakeholders, including policymakers, industrial and academic actors via a series of thematic workshops.


A thorough mapping exercise will address specific regional needs, while taking the different levels of personalised health maturity into account.
Attention will focus on linking remote and sparsely populated regions to regions that are more advanced in personalised health.
A toolbox for services and support will be developed to help regions with joint initiatives in personalised health implementation.
Our Aims

A network will be developed which will include regional policy and decision makers, opinion leaders, regulatory agencies, regional development agencies, cluster organisations, patient organisations, regional knowledge institutions and healthcare providers.
The network will bring regional strengths, needs and barriers to the attention of national and European policy makers. This will enable a collaborative approach to developing personalised health in regions.
Why focus on regions?
Regions are regarded as the new powerhouses for innovation and adoption of personalised health, and will drive the transition towards sustainable healthcare and personalised health.

What is Personalised health?
Professor Manuel Salto-Tellez
Professor Manuel Salto-Tellez, lead for the new Precision Medicine Centre of Excellence at Queen’s University Belfast, talks about the importance of precision medicine and the role it plays in healthcare.
Professor Tony Bjourson, Ulster University
Professor Tony Bjourson, Professor of Genomics at Ulster University talks about the role personalised medicine is playing in our healthcare systems.

Personalised medicine is a medical model using characterization of individuals’ phenotypes and genotypes (e.g. molecular profiling, medical imaging, lifestyle data) for tailoring the right therapeutic strategy for the right person at the right time.
It can be used to determine the predisposition to disease and/or to deliver timely and targeted prevention.

Helps us gain a better understanding of the biological mechanisms and environmental factors that govern health and disease, and, will impact entire healthcare systems and services.
It will improve care to patients by helping to deliver the right drug first time, earlier screening and treatment, and more efficient monitoring and adjustment of treatments.

SAPHIRe aims to bridge the gap between research in personalised health and its’ application and exploitation.

Meet the Team

The latest from SAPHIRe
SAPHIRe Survey
SAPHIRe has launched a survey to gain insight into the current status of precision medicine-related policies across European regions. If you would like your region to be featured in our online Observatory you can complete the survey here.