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SAPHIRe workshops


Workshop 5: Webinar: COVID-19 contact tracing: the usefulness of mobile apps






Contact tracing is an important tool to control infectious diseases, and digital contact tracing, using mobile apps, could be an effective method in the fight against COVID-19 spreading. During and after the first COVID-19 wave, many governments and regional authorities are rolling out their contact tracing apps.


Ongoing discussion includes the uptake and adherence, accuracy, workability and privacy concerns of the COVID-19 contact tracing apps. How and by whom will these apps be used? How can regions ensure optimal prevention of COVID-19 spreading while safeguarding its citizens’ privacy?


To gain a better understanding of the different approaches of COVID-19 apps, SAPHIRe hosted an online interactive workshop on Friday 9 October 2020 


Webinar speakers:

  • Professor Bart Preneel, Department head of Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography (COSIC), KULeuven, Flanders, Belgium. Bart was involved in the development of the Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) protocol.

  • Cathy Berx, Governor of the Province of Antwerp. Cathy took additional local measures in the Province of Antwerp to further limit the spread of the SARS-CoV2 virus.

  • Antoni Rytel , Vice-President of GovTech, Poland. Antoni is involved in the implementation of the Polish quarantine monitoring app and ProteGO Safe app.

  • Dr Sarah Gibney, Senior Researcher, R & D and Health Analytics, Department of Health Ireland.

  • Dr Eddie O’Neill, Consultant Medical Adviser, Health & Social Care Board Northern Ireland.


Speaker bios


Speaker presentations


Webinar video presentations


European-WidePrivacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing

Professor Bart Preneel- KU Leuven

Tracing-App as part of a global approach to Corona-COVID-19

Cathy Berx - Governor of Antwerp


Antoni Rytel- GovTech, Poland

COVID Tracker App for Ireland: A voluntary, de-centralised, ‘privacy-by-design’ contact tracing app

Dr Sarah Gibney- Department of Health Ireland

COVID-19 Digital response 'StopCOVID NI’ & ‘COVIDCare NI’ Apps

Dr Eddie O'Neill- Department of Health Northern Ireland

Summary statistics for webinar
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