BE1 -Brussels Region
Regional Webistes
Regional Innovation Performance (2021): Leader -
Total popultaion per km2 (2019): 7527
Total population (2019): 1215290
Proportion population older 65 year %: 13,06%
The region has a population of 1.2 million. In terms of health, the region's strengths lie in its large hospital-hospital hub and the high concentration of people with varied socio-cultural profiles. This provides a breeding ground for clinical trials and collaborations between different scientific disciplines (engineering sciences, life sciences, etc.).
Medical research in the region is recognized in oncology, chronic and neurodegenerative diseases, medical devices and medical engineering. The objective of the strategic field of activity "Personalized Medicine and Wellness" is therefore to capitalize on these assets in order to improve the performance of care and the quality of life of patients. There is a focus on the development of personalized therapies and services, improving the hospital-to-home care chain (e-health) and prevention, by improving the environmental quality of life.
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
Policy document PM@RIS3: Yes
Major initiatives
Biobank Brussels Health Campus
Willy Gepts Collection - the disease process in type 1 diabetes discovered
EUNEFRON: registry of the European network for the study of orphan nephropathies
Digital Innovation Hub:
Is the region represented in: Horizon2020; Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy Platforms/Partnerships (RIS3); EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS); other?
Region represented in : EUREKA/Eurostars/COSME
Membership status
Council of European BioRegions (CEBR)
1M+Genome initiative - country level member
European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN)
Edited from -User:Janneman User:eusc, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons