DE3 - Berlin
Regional website
Regional Innovation Performance (2021) Innovation leader
Total population (2019) 3644826
Population per km² (2019) 4323
Proportion population older 65 year % 19,19%
The State of Berlin and its neighbour Brandenburg launched their Joint Innovation Strategy, also known as “innoBB”, in 2011. Aimed at linking the capital region’s business and R&D sectors to the international innovation community, the strategy focuses on five clusters: - Life sciences and healthcare ; Energy technology; Mobility (including transport and logistics); ICT, media and creative industries ; Photonics (including microsystems technology).
Policy documents
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
RIS3 - with Brandenburg (DE4) https://s3platform-legacy.jrc.ec.europa.eu/documents/20182/229963/DE_Berlin_Brandenburg_RIS3_201106_Final.pdf/5eb3a0e7-b14b-412e-a9f9-6ac4e2e775a2
Major initiatives
· LifeTime
· Restore
· Der Simulierte Mensch "Si-M"
· Berlin Health Data Space – AI to beat acute kidney failure
· HLRN-IV Complex at ZIB super computer
· Zentrale Biobank der Charité biobank
Collaborating with Brandenburg via joint innovation strategy "innoBB" ; joint healthcare industries cluster organization ("Healthcapital"); in R&D projects: multilateral project partners in other regions of Ger and the EU; cooperation via our work in the Bio Deutschland association
countrylevel Member 1+M Genomes Initiative https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/european-1-million-genomes-initiative
European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN)
Council of European Bioregions (CEBR)
Horizon2020;EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS)
[[File:Berlin, administrative divisions (+districts -boroughs (borders only) +pop) - de - colored.svg|Berlin, administrative divisions (+districts -boroughs (borders only) +pop) - de - colored]]