NO - Norway (National level)
Regional websites
Innovation Performance Group (2021) : Strong
Total population (2019) 5328212
Population per km² (2019) 17
Proportion population older 65 year % 17,24%
As well as being involved in a number of major Initiatives around personalised medicine, Norway has a national strategy for personalised medicine within the health service. The strategy will contribute to development and implementation in the health service in the period 2017-2021.
In collaboration with regional health authorities, the Research Council also published an action plan for research and innovation in personalised medicine. The action plan proposes a number of measures to achieve: Increased interaction, international cooperation, leverage national advantages, increased visibility, more interdisciplinarity and better coordination, reduced barriers to interaction, responsible research and innovation.
Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities? Yes
Coordinate with ECRIN https://ecrin.org/, NorCRIN https://www.norcrin.no/in-english/ , EATRIS https://eatris.eu/
Policy documents
National: Strategi for persontilpasset medisin i helsetjenesten
National: Handlingsplan for forskning og innovasjon innenfor persontilpasset medisin (2018–2021)
Industry National: Dette er persontilpasset medisin
Nordic NOK 165 million initiative to boost research and innovation in personalised medicine
Major initiatives
Horizon 2020 AMLvaccin
Digital Innovation Hubs:
Is the region represented in: Horizon2020; Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy Platforms/Partnerships (RIS3); EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS); other?
Membership status
1M+Genome initiative - member
ERAPerMed - yes, The Research Council of Norway, (RCN)
Image attribution - By Rob984 - Derived from File:Germany on the globe (Germany centered).svg, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=70142698