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PL22 - Śląskie

Regional website

Regional Innovation Performance (2021) Emerging

Total population (2019) 4488998

Population per km² (2019) 369

Proportion population older 65 year % 18,68%


Śląskie (Upper Silesia) is located in the southern part of Poland. The voivodship (from the south) bordering the Czech Republic and Slovakia. The regions’ S3 priorities include a focus on energy, medicine (including ageing societies; public health and well-being and public health & security), ICT, emerging industries, and the green economy.

Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities?  Yes - R&D projects in a field of personalised medicine

Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)

Major initiatives

  1. S3martMed

  2. Medtech4Europe

  3. Silesian Park of Medical Technology Kardio-Med Silesia in Zabrze (KMS) A Centre of New Technologies and the place of scientific research and implementation of innovative projects: in medicine, biotechnology and healthcare.

  4. The Foundation of Cardiac Surgery Development. It has implemented a well-developed, funded by own funds training-scholarship programme in the field of cardiosurgery since its inception, the objective of which is to improve professional qualifications of medical practitioners in Poland and abroad.

  5. The Silesian Heart Disease Centre conducted in the field of cardiology, cardiosurgery, transplantation, diabetology, but also elementary sciences.

  6. Silesian Center for Engineering Medicine and Sport at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering of the Silesian University of Technology. Innovations will focus on telemedicine and solutions that will enable remote communication with the patient, diagnostics and advice. IT areas that will streamline patient data management so that healthcare is more effective will also be key.

Is the region represented in: Horizon2020; Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy Platforms/Partnerships (RIS3); EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS); other?

"MEDPIG" - "Wprowadzenie do praktyki klinicznej oryginalnej polskiej wszczepialnej wirowej pompy wspomagania serca oraz systemu zdalnego monitorowania i nadzorowanej zdalnie rehabilitacji pacjentów na wspomaganiu serca", akronim: "RH ROT".

The main objective of the RH-ROT – NCBiR project is to increase the usage of mechanical circulatory support systems in treating heart failure in Polan.

The project consists of:

• implementation of an innovative centrifugal pump supporting circulatory system in the long-term – the original Polish ReligaHeart ROT system – and deploying it into pilot production and clinical practice,

• development and implementation of a nationwide system of remote monitoring of out-patients with implanted LVAD-type centrifugal pumps (for a variety of currently available circulatory support devices) into clinical practice,

• development and implementation of a new model of complex cardiovascular rehabilitation for in- and out-patients with implanted LVAD-type centrifugal pumps (remote tele-rehabilitation and monitoring for out-patients).


System interaktywnej rehabilitacji kręgosłupa i postawy w aspekcie dynamicznej, spersonalizowanej stymulacji D4S"

“Novel Bone Regeneration Drug Osteogrow: Therapeutic Solution for Lumbar Back Pain“

Membership status

  • Baltic Sea MacroRegion

  • S3MedTech region

  • Regions4PM region

  • Central Europe

  • MedTech4Europe

  • 1M+Genome initiative - country level observer

  • European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN)

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