Examples of best practice
Regional best practice exemplars
Belgium back to map
Brussels Region (BE1)
Flanders (BE2)
GAP (Genomics Application Platform)
VIB strategic research centra
imec strategic research centra
VITO strategic research centra
Denmark back to map
Denmark Hovedstaden (DK01)
Midtjylland (DK04)
Nordjylland (DK05)
Action plan on personalised medicine
Realisation of information from genomic data to healthcare services. ERF funding for project "Realisation of personalised medicine in Estonia"
HPC - High Performance Computing Centre
Finland back to map
Länsi-Suomi (FI19)
Auria Clinical Informatics (EU Digital innovation hub status)
Turku Center for Disease Modeling (TCDM) Research Center
Alsace (FR42) Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine (FRF)
Rhône-Alpes (FR71)
Cataluña (ES51)
Extremadura (ES43)
MedeA - Personalized Medicine Clinical Implementation in the Health Care Service
Clinical Research Center. Personalized Medicine Unit Clinical Implementaron Unit.
Biobank University Hospital
Comunidad Foral de Navarra (ES22)
DIANA - Diagnóstico biomédico e Innovación Abierta en Navarra
Coming soon!