BE2 - Vlaams Gewest / Flanders Region
Innovation Performance Group (2021) : Leader -
Total population (2019): 6,596,233
Population per km² (2019): 493
Proportion population older 65 year %: 20,20%
Flanders has showcased as a region with great potential in the pharmaceutical market. The region is characterised by exceptionally rapid approval times for clinical trials and puts heavy emphasis on biotech R&D, through a well-developed ecosystem of startups, SMEs and larger international companies. Different strategic research centra (VIB, imec, VITO) focus on aspects related to personalised medicine and work on the valorisation of their research.
Personalised medicine is furthermore one of the priorities in Flanders' smart specialisation strategy. In this light, Flanders is one of the leading regions in the smart specialisation partnership on personalised medicine (S3P4PM) and coordinator of the SAPHIRe project.
Is the region looking for international/European/interregional collaboration opportunities?
Yes - S3 partnerships
Policy documents
Regional level: Vlaamse Beleidsplan Gepersonaliseerde Geneeskunde
Regional level: Vlaanderen in transitie
Regional press release: SAPHIRe
Funding programmes or other support measures:
National Reimbursement of prenatal molecular screening tests
Funding for a dedicated programme related to personalised medicine (ca. 11,25 million euro)
Regional Strategy for Research and Innovation for Smart Specialisation (RIS3)
Policy document PM@RIS3: Yes
Major initiatives
Centers for Medical Genetics Genome sequencing infrastructure
Antwerpen registry of congenital anomalies - contributes to the EUROCAT network
Genetic tools for Ecosystem health Assessment in the North Sea region
Network of European Delta Regions - Sustainable Delta Governance
Shared value creation in the Healthcare economy through INtegrated business modEls
Digital Innovation Hubs:
Is the region represented in: Horizon2020; Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy Platforms/Partnerships (RIS3); EIT Health/InnoStars/Regional Innovation Scheme (RIS); other?
Organisations in Flanders
Vlaams Instituut voor Technologisch Onderzoek VITO - academic/research
Departement Neurowetenschappen, KU Leuven - academic/research
Therapeutische en Diagnostische Antilichamen, KU Leuven - academic/research
Klinische Farmacologie en Farmacotherapie, KU Leuven - academic/research
Biomedical informatics research network Antwerp Biomina- academic/research
Laboratory for Precision Cancer Medicine LPCM- academic/research
Leuven Institute for Human Genomics and Society LIGAS- academic/research
The Leuven Centre for Artificial Intelligence LEUVEN.AI - academic/research
Departement Economie, Wetenschap & Innovatie DEWI - financing
Council of European BioRegions (CEBR)
1M+Genome initiative - country level member
European Regions Research & Innovation Network (ERRIN)
Vanguard Initiative
PM region according EC
S3MedTech region
S3P4PM region
Image attribution - By Blank map of Europe (with disputed regions).svg: maix¿?derivative work: Alphathon - This file was derived from: Blank map of Europe (with disputed regions).svg:, CC BY-SA 3.0,