SAPHIRe has just launched a new survey to gain insight into the current status of precision medicine-related policies across European regions. The survey can be accessed here
At present, the precision medicine landscape in Europe is fragmented, and, it is not clear what policies and strategies for precision medicine exist. SAPHIRe's aim is to help structure the adoption and implementation of precision medicine (PM) at regional level by creating favourable ecosystems for the development and application of PM.
This however, is a particularly challenging task; regions have many different developmental needs, and readiness levels are complicated by many factors, including the fact that policies emanate from many levels including EU, national and regional level, on a multitude of topics such as research, innovation, healthcare, data protection and socio-economic issues.
The information collected in this survey will form part of SAPHIRe's mapping exercise, which will provide SAPHIRe with an insight into specific regional needs and requirements. This will provide us with information about regions' current PM-related activity, and, will feed into development of the SAPHIRe Stakeholder Platform.
Ultimately this Platform will be a forum for joint regional collaboration, design, partnering, and identification of opportunities for joint actions between regions.
If you would like to know more about the survey or have any questions please contact